breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
I had breakfast with 50+ JWs on Sunday
by zimunzucz inwe pulled into a hotel parking lot saturday around 6pm on the return leg of a wonderful family vacation to new england - an then fate stepped in---a man in a suit got out of a car with the rest of a picture perfect family.
i immediately noticed all the name tags--- and my blood pressure spiked 50pts- damn!!
i was booked in a 4 story hotel full of jws-- the only time they took off the name tags was in the swimming pool- they were so proud of themselves.. at 6:30 am the hot water went cold in the wife's shower- what do you expect on the 4th floor when a herd of jws is trying to get ready at the same time?
breakfast of champions
Well done! -
No end to JW logic, Oranges can make you gay
by James Mixon ini was told that today by a more to say.
breakfast of champions
Well, yes: it is true that oranges make you gay.
But, you may accept orange fractions in the form of orange juice (without pulp, of course) or combined with vanilla ice cream in the form a Creamsicle pop. 😎😉
Malawi CRAP in April 15 2015 Watchtower
by Marvin Shilmer innear the top of page 15 in the april 15, 2015 watchtower shows a photo of the malawi congress party card made the center of jws being severely persecuted in malawi in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
the lie is furthered in this watchtower article is that the whole issue was over jws refusing to involve themselves in politics.
readers who want to know the whole story of what caused this persecution are invited to consider evidence in the following article presentations: .
breakfast of champions
Great couple of articles. Very interesting. -
Disturbing hidden image in w15 04/15 page 9 (Not DF image)
by campaign of hate incould someone do me a favor and post the picture on page 9 on the above mentioned watchtower.. i'll point it out, very surprised no one else has picked up on this creepy image..
breakfast of champions
The image of the man spread out drinking a beer is me.
Case closed. 😉
Parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son
by AndersonsInfo in
there is a video that can be seen at the above link that is worth watching.. the andersons.
7:10pm june 11, 2015 parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son.
breakfast of champions
OUTLAW - I absolutely LOVE your "shovel" comment on the first page of this thread.
Sure it's a bit dark, but hell -- so is life.
Don't see what the all the fuss is about.
Recent Finds: How SPIRITISM is still attached to the 1914 doctrine
by Gilgamesh inrecent finds: how spiritism is still attached to the 1914 doctrine
for the site, we'll be adding a section called "recent finds.
" i would like to continue adding some interesting bits and pieces from various forums, sites, blogs that are especially related to the 1914 doctrine.
breakfast of champions
This is interesting . . .. . .
How do you distinguish Americans?
by paulmolark in
apparently americans are all chubby, baggy clothes wearing optimistic fast food eaters.
who knew.
breakfast of champions
I'm pessimistic and don't eat fast food. 😎
Literature cart in front of public library?
by El_Guapo ini drove by a large public library today and saw not one but two literature carts (one on each side of the entrance) no more than 5-8 feet from the door.
i would have a valid complaint if i called the city right?
breakfast of champions
Yes you would!
Had to have a chuckle today when I saw this photo. it just sums everything up.
by joe134cd in
breakfast of champions
As much as I don't doubt a picture like this is possible, I'm rather skeptical. . .. .
If it is photoshopped, they did a pretty good job!
i'm stupid, right?
by embarrassed ini am on here as another member, but even with a username and not revealing my identity, i am still too embarrassed to use it.
had to make up a new one.
that being said.... my boyfriend is watching pornography, and it seriously hurts my feelings.
breakfast of champions
All of the above.